abdicate our dignity when we feel obliged to put on makeup and low-cut dress and "notch" (I know, does not exist in Italian), even if there is going, because we believe it is the only way to be accepted in society.
When we judge other women from physical and criticized for how to dress, makeup, combing, giving the idea that pervades, even we are only interested in appearances. When we spend hours talking
handbags, shoes, clothes, jewelry and other amenities as if they were the only things that matter, suggesting that men with those things can actually buy them.
abdicate our dignity when we do gattemorte to let us hear from a leader, a friend, a colleague, maybe even like us, making believe that seduction is the only language we know to relate with them. When
to prove they have reached parity become shallow, aggressive and erratic exactly how much we criticize men for this.
When we do everything to win or keep a mate that does not convince us or do not like just for fear of spending weekends alone and holidays and because the biological clock ticking and we want a child before it is too late, as if those who choose to do so, instill, is secondary and what we want is a man, not a certain type of man.
abdicate our dignity every time we do not know what to say no to humiliate us or takes away our freedom for fear of losing something, even if it were a job or love. When we bow to the logic (very male ...) of "all at once" and then we'll see.
Obviously mine is not an invitation to sloppiness and seriousness, and indeed I think it is important that a woman can dress as he wants and talk about what he wants, but, in fact, must want it, do not only conform to fashions imposed by others. However, even if it is sad to say, must be aware that every time you behave like a goose authorize anyone to think that it is seriously and treat it as such. They always say that to educate a child is worth more than the example words. Who knows, maybe it also works with men ...
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