Monday, January 31, 2011

How Can I Watch Southpark Studios On My Iphone?

Friends and friends of the house, as promised I am going to publish something more frivolous (and delicious ..) on our blog! Hand, from a background that just is not frivolous: a couple of weeks, in fact, are "toothless", I could also say "no opinion" in the sense that I got rid of that tooth that had given me some problems in recent years. Are aware that there are worse things, but knowing me and then wondering to myself, I managed not to panic and grasp the positive aspects of the story: be home for three days from work, watching old movies on videotape and experiment in the kitchen recipes "soft" to be enjoyed without chewing too much. So away with potato pancakes, baked vegetables, polenta with different sauces, and especially desserts! So I tried the recipe that I propose today is that I "invented" after he poked around on various cookbooks: the orange custard with chocolate sauce.
Here are the ingredients for 6:
for cream: 1 pint of milk, egg yolks 8, 9 tablespoons sugar, 7 tablespoons of flour, one teaspoon of vanilla extract, zest of one orange left untreated, a small glass of orange liqueur.
For the sauce: 200 grams of dark chocolate, 70 grams of milk.
Mix in a bowl the egg yolks with sugar until creamy, then gradually add the sifted flour and liquor. Apart Put the milk in a saucepan with the orange rind and vanilla. Bring the milk to a boil and boil, pour the egg mixture, sugar and flour and cook for 2-3 minutes. Pour in 6 cups and let cool. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in a saucepan with the milk and pour the sauce on the cream and serve when cool. With the hope
that your teeth are in perfect health, good appetite!


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