Monday, January 10, 2011

Brown Mucus Discharge When Wiping This Morning

"One minute of revolution", the pendulum Paolini

What I like to think this man is now clear even to readers distracted happened in this virtual chicken. In this picture then it is surely this page (with whom I apologize for having "borrowed" from the web) I believe it has come exceptionally well: it is less grim and you see the blue eyes. With this man that some of us have a score to settle from last summer is also very well known thing (if it is not, see post of July 6, 2010). Well, last night we settled that account, under the gaze of the survivors seriously statues of the monument to Verdi, Arena Roccabianca the sun: a funny scene from the stage offset in the square of a village that can not be more Guareschi. The show was "Itis Galileo" is certainly not one of his easiest. It is light and playful as children recounted in "The machine head", is less dense and touching "Vajont" less rich in that kind of poetic and literary and musical journey that is "Italian Bestiary" Perhaps my preferred, because it has something of the theater song Gaber, I had the great joy of seeing a little 'for the event, live. Yet I do not think all succeed in building a good show talking to himself for two hours in the life of Galileo and other scientists of his time, astronomy (and astrology), physics, history and philosophy with the help of a few elements of the scene between which, in fact, a pendulum, a metal tool that becomes, in turn, a tool of the scientist, mine ready to explode - and do damage - such as new ideas ("the old ideas are always laughing ... after, but while it was in the middle is difficult cavarsene out "), then the celestial sphere within which the planets revolve and, finally, awkward swing - or psychedelic ball - on what seems to waver, as well as Paolini, even our presumed modernity. Notable attacks: focus on the scene, down from the stage and she simply says: "One minute of revolution." Silence, then "Bravo: have traveled 1800 km. With four words, we introduced the topic of the night, disrupting a cliché (one minute of silence) and transforming it into something new: What is a minute of revolution? One minute of motion of the Earth that we do not realize, of course, but Revolution is a term very evocative. What do you do in a minute of revolution? We're asking our viewers, uncertain about where to want to end up. And meanwhile, has already taken and perhaps the silence in the communication society, has something of a revolutionary ... In short, it is hard to find someone capable of involves you even talking about economics, or science as rugby can do it. No, well, at least I know of a couple and as you know, whether I like them a lot: Piero and Alberto Angela. But do not see them acting Shakespeare (a contemporary of Galileo) and a song of "Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems", both in mother tongue - his mother tongue: the Venetian dialect! - With the consummate skill of the actors, which is and continues to instill Marco Paolini. Fortunately. So thanks, applause, and hopefully next time!
Ah, for the record: this time it was raining, but gently. And, given the precedents, I would say that luxury is gone ...


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