It slips.
It slips when it is considered normal in the newspaper Fiocchino blunders because there is nobody to read them, nor time to do it.
It slips when workers communication replaces the copy and paste in search, not even bothering to check the reliability of sources.
It slips when you do not even try to plead his case in front of a client who can not do our job and absurd claims, for fear of a confrontation, or perhaps just laziness.
It slips when intelligent people say that culture is rich stuff and do not know, or forget, that libraries are free, the lectures are public and the beauty is spread liberally on the streets of our cities.
It slips when art is provocative, theater exasperation, writing self-congratulation of herself or the author television and self-absolution from their weaknesses.
It slips when in a few moments of life - work or love - we give to moral principles, stay the proceedings in order not to lose opportunities, not to be forced to say no for: word inconceivable.
It slips when you are silent, you swallow, you adapt, you turn on the other hand, because life is short and complicated. Very complicated. It
It slips but when you slide you never know how far you can fall, or if there is someone out there, willing to raise ourselves.
And now, please, published something frivolous. We are chickens, of course!
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