Thursday, January 6, 2011

Remote Gas Starter For Fireplaces

A new year ...

We are always there, 'in the balance. To move the adjective most 'coveted "new", behind or beyond the' name: a new year or new year? One more year ', like all the others, which is deposited on the other, to increase the weight ... or another year, that will change' really ... something in ourselves, in others, hope in the world ... and 'always that the adjective is right to position themselves after the name. The year is new, different, you can start over. E 'the desire of the blank page. For this reason, all my life I loved and at the same time hated the new year. We always arrive polished with a sparkling smile, with my best dress, so that they began the year with me to express his intentions. All you dodge, for twenty years now. Since that is' no longer young, and then, alas, I'm taking people a little 'more' big. Up to twenty years ago my vitality 'was considered a resource. My unshakeable faith in the possibility '/ need' to be better each year as it had been during the past year, was shared, encouraged envy. Now I get embarrassed smiles: even with the intentions? But on ', come on, is an evening like all the others. It takes a bit 'more', you eat a bit 'more', you spend a bit 'more' ... if you really want to put on the ritual includes a pair of red pants ... But a couple of months ago it was different because 'at a party and I' was suggested by a dear friend who had not seen for a long time ... keep the ability 'to live ... I felt a kind of sense of gratitude. When you least expect it, find someone you like ... retain the capacity to live ... it '... and' This is the task. And 'this job for the new year. Withstand time, the resignation, feel (terrible in our country) that each year, everything goes a bit 'worse, the company' is a bit 'more' poisoned, that interpersonal relationships are a bit 'more' hard, a little 'more' cold, a little 'more' surface, a bit 'more' cynical. Resist and start to believe ... Every year like the first day of school. With notebooks uncut, clean the apron, and an irrepressible desire to study, do their best to promote, to be promoted to move forward. This new awareness helps me to deal with more lightness to the newspaper, everything makes sense, our gaze away on the horizon instead of on my toes. A promise to myself that I will try to maintain, trusting that life in store for me. And with the fear won through the courage I try to bring out the dream of the drawer. With just take the first step means to start a path, whatever, in that direction. This concept encourages me and helps me to fight my doubts, my obstacles, my fears. And then ... After the toasts with the most affected 'loved ones after a few coriander thrown in the air, celebrating the new resolutions (resolutions or new) and ask all of you,' cause not try? We pull out our dream from the drawer? Let's try! Let's have a gift!
I look out the window ... At three o'clock at night ... The trees are bare for the long winter flowering bulbs ... the longest point lights simulate snow. But the dominant feeling now and 'one ... the party is not over.

A hug ...
Without Wax ...

Roberto Fields


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