Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broken Blood Vessel Around Lips

The sauce in a can you eat it

There are foods that I have always done a certain way, and the sauce in a jar, what is as good as what you prepare, but is ready , has always been high on my blacklist. But in the disgusting world of additives, preservatives, MSG, artificial flavorings, dyes and oils (which perhaps is more healthy for the car) there is an exception, healthy and very sweet: the Modenese White Sauce & Mora Romagnola Dispensa di Amerigo's .
Made with top-quality meat Bianca Modenese cow and pig races coast, both of Slow Food, tomato Delta del Po 'and Camillone Salina Salt of Cervia This Bolognese sauce is really good like that prepares you (or rather, maybe more!) and then it is also politically correct , which never hurts. By working with small producers, in fact, strengthens the local economy, protects the environment, protecting biodiversity and maintaining the traditions alive.


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