Monday, February 28, 2011

What Happened Tofakku

vastness of ... Travel

We must say that the title is not a misprint. It 's just the main theme of the last show of Alexander Berger ("Urge") I, Co, Dani and her sister, we saw Friday at the Two. We have come out laughing and we continued up to the house of Dani, trying to remember each other's best lines. Obviously we could think only the worst, the most simple, almost joke: gecko asking the thrush, "Look where I go," and the thrush replies, "Excuse me, did you say?", Or the blackbird in the middle of the sidewalk that says convinced, "I want to see if someone stepped on me," but I assure you that this acrobat of words (maybe even a little 'soul, to put it Palazzeschi), can do much more, including, associations of ideas, exchanges of letters, forcing proverbs and all the paraphernalia dell'enigmistica (and poetry), for making people smile and even a little 'thinking. How to blame him, for example, when he invited everyone (men too?) To "rebuild his mind" or "dig it" to see if it turns out some new idea? I strongly suspect that, beyond a theme or a thread, however thin, which links together the various parts of the show, what matters to the crowds and disheveled Bologna is really the word itself: the pure pleasure of use it as it wants to create something new. It is no coincidence, I think, is also an artist, as were, for example, Buzz is the father of Michael Ende: knowing how to handle the color and material, probably helps to do the same with words. However, even in the more surreal flights, forcing in the most daring, I think it remains a fundamental respect: the uses to surprise, amuse and excite the intellect, or to persuade, deceive or hide. In short, his is an exercise of freedom, or, indeed, a "vote of vastness" that can only be good for the heart. After all
is also a test of the magnitude that I saw on Sunday afternoon, watching a race wheelchair hockey, hockey player, that is in a wheelchair, including the team of Parma and Modena. Those of you who dream of a practice match between people who have variously placed correctly found a way to pass the time wrong: they are true athletes, fierce and loyal, able to give more than one lesson to the noble and overpaid players. On their electric vehicles, complete with a beak from Ben Hur to grab the ball (actually called stick), inspire a little 'fear and much admiration for their ability to overcome with intelligence and dignity of the limits imposed by a nature stepmother. At the end there is also the third time, as in rugby, in which the home team always excels, regardless of the results in the field. Moki true?
About Parma. I take this opportunity to make an appeal to writers that they sets commercials or fiction in our country. But my goodness! What does it cost to send the players to do a crash course on the "Famija Pramzana" or hire a coach from any of the companies dialectal towns? It's fine for the rest of Italy will do us no chance but we feel it is a torture mice to cheese lovers with a frequency that sums up the worst of the local dialects without anyone or look like the Fontana sisters (from Traversetolo) talk in Bologna.
Arvedros , chickens, e. .. not pounded merle, though, it seems, bring good luck!


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