I'm not giving an opinion on the film, for two reasons. First, apart from my ignorance on film, it is difficult to be objective when it, like it or not, you fond of a story and its characters, I would have difficulty, for example, to judge an episode of Montalbano ...
Second, whatever I say the risk of being taken from a book costs, which has already announced that the last episode (due out in July if you want to start the countdown ...) surely cry, because it will mark in some way, the end of youth. Yeah, they are now 10 years that this saga in the life of Cios - some more passionate than others - and has become the subject of talks in time to read (sometimes it takes) and a chance to be together. A small ceremony, in short, silly long as you want, but pleasant, like all things that serve to cement a friendship.
Even our friendship, no doubt, changed the form, timing and content over the years in which we transformed from students (or so) in light-hearted working women have husbands, boyfriends, children and many thoughts, but in some so try to resist, as in fact, that Harry, Ron and Hermione. Or at least I hope so, almost exactly one year from the opening of this blog.
why the presence the other night, the heroic knight had, at least for me, a great value, because he witnessed a vision of inclusive and not exclusive of love, and trying not to alienate but, even with difficulty, to accommodate a person with all his past history, including bulky friends with bad taste film ...
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