Usually I have strong reservations about contemporary art, or because I know little and, you know, you do not know what inspires more fear than curiosity or because they are exaggerations and a waiver by the spread of the artists even groped to create beauty I did not know there used to it, or because I do not think it right that often reduces the art (or theater) to a matter for the chosen few who know the (twisted) paths with the author and inaccessible to a public medium. This time, however, I was attracted by the title of the exhibition "Shipwreck with Spectator", which I mentioned remote school memories: there is an essay devoted to a picture of Lucretius Blumenberg the Professor of Latin and greek we have mentioned a hundred times. Even the photos are shot in these days in the local media have helped to increase curiosity: the beautiful sailboat stranded in (or supported by) a sea of \u200b\u200bbooks in the hat full of butterflies. Thus, in a dreary Sunday that more can not be armed with healthy ignorance, we slipped through the corridors of the neat Governor's Palace confident nell'illuminante help of some panels. Error! No Panel: only a tiny brochure, and no light in the rooms except the one coming from the outside in the dark night return to Standard Time, all the express wish of the artist. The facilities are located in empty rooms and see in the eyes of people to the museum. Yet it was good. Because the works - strange, funny, sometimes disturbing - they told us something: the cast of a heart laid over an open book, and the plaster bust of a classical Venus with one colorful butterfly resting its "there" and, at the end of course, the infamous "Delocazioni" the image, or rather, it evokes the image of a small library to outline the facts only, literally, smoke. It seems, in fact, that we realize (since the 70's) these strange works by placing objects against the walls and then leaving the room for a night burn tires and other junk fumigants, then remove the objects and the trace that remains is the "framework". The effect is similar to that, unwittingly, that is created when you move a mobile remained too long in one place: an outline made of dust and time, the memory of something that we like it or not, has existed and the claim our attention. We usually delete it bothered with a coat of white, he has made it a metaphor, a presence-absence, a little melancholy, but very fascinating. I'm not an art critic and I confess my incompetence to top post, but I thank the author (until recently) unknown to me gave me - as Aristophanes says (now I'm in a classic!) - "Scent of intelligence "which, despite everything, is worth more than a magnum of Chanel No. 5! Greetings
culture (quiet then I go ...)
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