The word "inverter" is not to interpret, as many think, in the sense of reversing the operation of the plant from summer to winter and vice versa, but identifies an electronic control system of the compressor.
In conventional air conditioners (On-Of), the compressor runs at constant speed. When the environment to be conditioned reaches the set temperature stops with a consequent rise in temperature. Exceeded a predetermined threshold temperature of the compressor restarts. It 'obvious that a system of this type tends to rock the room temperature and pushing up consumption.
air conditioners with inverter technology and are equipped with an electronic dispsitivo that allows the power modulation depending on the actual application of cold or heat (if heat pump), avoiding the constant switching on and switching off typical of traditional models.
In this way you can quickly reach and maintain constant the desired temperature. The result is a saving of electricity, about eight hours of operation continuous and may exceed 30%.
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