renovated house. Routine maintenance, repairs, legal route.
If you have just purchased a property or if you simply want to renovate your home, below are some valuable tips to follow, not to run into unpleasant surprises. A small guide to safeguard your work and to know the advantages tax, if there were. Possibility to ask for a particular loan renovation, paying attention to the type of consolidation we're going to do.
Restructure Home
significant restructuring, as the word itself, restore a structure to a particular unit. We, in this case we focus on renovation of the house. Restructuring, however, is too general a term.
Indeed different types of restructuring home, and each includes tasks. Who decides to renovate the house, he does to beautify the inside or outside of it. In any case, a job that also entails a considerable expense. If you buy a house to be restored fully, you can also request a particular type of loan: the so-called loan restructuring. The restructuring of a house as we have said, may comprise the interior or exterior of the house, then talk of fiscal room to review the facilities, walls, balconies and safety.
And so, according to the job, we're going to do, we can share in the restructuring: restructuring ordinary, also known as "restructuring of small operations, restructuring and maintenance including but works great. A division of compulsory, because, as we shall see in the following paragraphs, are different in every way, from the point of view of the law. For some jobs, it is necessary to send the application with request for permission to the Town Hall.
then the City will issue the "cleared" through the building permit, that on payment of charges based on square footage affected by the works, will begin restructuring maintenance. If you decide to renovate a newly purchased property, the council is to begin work as soon as possible, so that within a period of time, everything is finished and you can proceed with the move. If, however, want to renovate a building which later sold, in any case you do, work in a workmanlike manner. For the purposes of the final value of the apartment, are also to take into account the finishes, floors, plants and options such as screens or air conditioning.
As we have seen, the works that are part of the maintenance ordinary, are enclosed in small works. We can talk about routine maintenance when, after buying a mobile, we will proceed to return it like new again. But it must be divided into two different types of routine maintenance. A
fact, concerns the interventions made to a property because they considered uninhabitable or otherwise falling. The other hand, refers to works that are performed only in certain parts of the building. Concern in both cases, maintenance work both inside and outside the building. The routine maintenance can be performed without special permission from the municipality.
The only point, however, to be taken into account is the fact that the building in question, it must maintain the same external appearance, but also internal. Who decides to renovate the house, carrying "small works", is held accountable in terms of regularity, safety, but also
Do not underestimate either the compliance of the law, very important, essential, concerning the maintenance of electrical and gas. For this reason, these types of maintenance must be performed by qualified personnel who shall issue a certificate of compliance. The work "permits" on the outside are all those which do not hamper or hide the lighting and ventilation of the house.
Other "small works" are the replacement of windows, review the interior fittings, walls and roofs. Outside the building, routine maintenance is the repair or replacement of gates, doors, entrance doors. Everything, as we said can be modified by using different materials. It is important however to maintain the original features. Without any kind of municipal permission, you can also create parking spaces, provided that arise at ground level. Between routine maintenance also includes maintenance of gardens and green areas in general.
routine maintenance is different
the extraordinary maintenance and Regarding the "great works", but that can still be enclosed in minor building works. To implement any extraordinary maintenance shall be submitted to the Town Hall, the building project with an application for planning permission. The latter can be obtained if the City have expired 90 days after submission of the application, no opinion. In this case we speak of tacit consent by the institution.
For extraordinary maintenance works are for example the construction of toilets, the creation of courts, the creation of green areas, the facades of interventions, which in some way change the original structure. If, to cite another example, the owner wants to sell a house and turn the structure into more apartments, you must apply for a "go-ahead", as they are considered work "extraordinary."
but also include work done for the consolidation of the structure, the replacement of some parts of the same, including the walls. These concern the slabs and retaining walls. For this work, you must contact a company specializing in the field, maybe you trust. Professionals should be aware of the full building regulations and must ensure that the work that will do fall within the maintenance of minor building works. This work must in no way change the outward appearance but inside too must remain faithful to the original.
the maintenance work are also considered "great works". These are interventions intended to make the external appearance of the building but not all. The reconstruction of an entire building, requires a building permit, to require the building to the City of belonging, resulting in a contribution to the municipal administration.
Part of maintenance "great works", including new construction of entire buildings, new houses, new buildings in general, or in any work involving the enlargement of the same. All this must be As mentioned, documented in a project to be delivered to the City that will decide within a certain period of time if you give away the work or not.
Mutual to restructure
If you have decided to renovate the house, remember that costs are not to be underestimated. Any work being done, we need economic resources. Let then a schedule of what you want to restructure, find out whether the works fall within the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and move accordingly. Obviously, a renovation can cost much to ask even a mortgage. But what should I do?
Talk to your bank first and ask for information. There are indeed some mortgage agreements
for this type of intervention. The documents to be submitted consists of all those "cards" that should be submitted to purchase a house and then: identity documents in the form of a copy of identity card or driving license and a copy of the tax code.
At the register should apply for the certificate of residence, marital status, birth certificate, certificate of civil status (some schools also require the statement of marriage), and the certificate of citizenship. With regard to the income situation of the person requesting the loan, you must submit the last two payroll, the single model or the model 730 and the cud. Regarding the other hand, buying the property, must submit a copy of the preliminary agreement, or compromise, the sales contract and the last act of ownership with an adjoining a certificate of habitability.
If the property for which you are applying for mortgage is already built, you must also submit the plan and the cadastral map extract. If, on the contrary, the building is under construction, you must submit a copy of building permit and the design of the project endorsed by the City.
Depending on the type of service then you have to do, things change. If it is in fact routine maintenance, you must present to the bank with an estimate made by the company you rely on for jobs. If, on the contrary it is maintenance
, you must submit the budget and the building project with the attached application for planning permission from the municipality for the property. Finally, if it comes to maintenance, which covers the restructuring of major works, in addition to the documents listed above (budget and grant), you must present your receipt confirming the payment of related fees.
Once the procedure followed to apply for loan restructuring, you have to do is wait about a fortnight (but this depends on each bank), to work practice, after which there will be (if all goes well) the disbursement of the loan. Even for these types of loans, there are tax benefits. For those who for example, a loan contract until 1997, can deduct 19% from income tax.
The costs awarded are interest expense (as with all types of loans), the shares of reassessment regarding escalation clauses. The percentage of 19%, which deduction is valid only if the work be carried out within 6 months before or after the signing of the loan. Another important clause to take advantage of the deduction is to "transform" the real estate unit in the first house (or main residence), and thus pass the residence in the time
of 6 months from completion of work.
order to take advantage of the deduction you should know that the ceiling on which to base the same, is just under 2,600 euro. For all routine maintenance, restoration, renovation of other structures, removal of architectural barriers, must submit appropriate documentation to be able to deduct IRPEF gross, 41% of the costs incurred, which must not exceed € 60 thousand for each co-owner of 'units.
If the renovation work has made them the company that sold the unit, you can deduct 25% of the total purchase price. Restructuring for which You can take deductions, as said, relate to both the internal and the external part .. Remember that as you approach the company to perform the work, must be able to make a prediction regarding the time period of work.
must also abide by the rules of the condo (if it is to restructure a unit in such a context), about the times where it imperative not to make noise. Clause certainly be respected, but that in any case, increase the time of delivery of the property.
to Turn You already have in mind the work you want to do to make your home more comfortable and modern. But where to go? In the case of small jobs, you can do it yourself, if you can, or at least get them done by relatives or close friends, and without spending a fortune. For example, if the work to be done is to paint the walls, if only you are capable and equipped yourself, you will save a lot.
But if on the contrary, the works on site are there others? As we have seen, there are several things you can do in a building, some even require a permit from the municipality. In this case, therefore, should apply to a company in the construction industry, a contractor of your knowledge, your confidence.
If you do not know anyone, take some advice maybe someone in order to drop the selection in a serious and honest company. Remember that in addition to having certification and thus be in order, the user must know the building code, to move accordingly. Get a quote to do, and then decide with calma.Accertatevi then the method of work with which every company is moving. .... And you move accordingly!
Without Wax
Roberto Fields