The title is a variation on the theme of the book that I just Gianrico Carofiglio finished reading - Tampering with the words - but that's what Dani and I have done in recent days in three newspapers that are going to press, finding beautiful and delicious nonsense inaccuracies. I admit it: I wrote them some I, but others, including one in which it was alleged that the Orthodox do not know whether or masochistic attention to the line, do AFTER 40 days of repentance, rather than before Christmas, I have a lot of angry : I have given a measure of how easy it is to reduce the writing - especially when it comes to small things - cut and paste to a mechanical and impersonal that you can safely do with the heart and head somewhere else and, what worse, without anybody noticing. So fierce was going to write a post on the degradation of culture and amenities like, in which I would have bogged down miserably, when, fortunately, in the book referred to above I found this quote:
"Imagine a language is, again, imagine a form of life. Writing is always, at the same time an exploration of self and the world, a journey of discovery, a search for meaning, the political and revolutionary movement to call a spade a spade. To write is to be here. " Not bad, eh? I still believe it. I'll give it to my boss ...
PS. The photo is the inscription on the wall of Dante monastery of Fonte Avellana: about people writing seriously!
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