Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tay Sachs Disease Interesting Fact

Evidence Recovery ... You pour the champagne

Evidence Recovery ...

After a very long time I try to give new life to this space to talk about shoes ..
not that has become a passion, indeed, in this time it has even strengthened, the number of my shoes has increased.

Some old friends and loved ones have left us .. shoes that had served me faithfully and, subtly, my mother has disappeared, gifting or thrown away, but always doing these operations without my knowledge.
Why, I mean, if a pair of shoes I like that I doubt one of anger, even after I bought the little that is .. WHEN WILL
ruins as LIGHT 'FREE?
After this short introduction ..

So I propose to take a couple of old issues that riflettre here and have never been published.

For now, enjoy reading and I hope to haunt them soon with new projects.


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