In these times of general crisis, doing business can 'be very hard and distressing. You work with great difficulty ', customers are scarce, the banks are literally closed strings, suppliers increasingly difficult' to get paid. It 's so for most of the activities,' you can 'check simply by speaking with many small entrepreneurs. One might ask whether it makes sense to live like this'. But those who choose this career, rather than 'that of the manager with a secure paycheck later this month, knows the only way to live'. It 's not able to go to bed with the equanimity of one who knows that the next day, in any case, his salary will be' insured. Or at least, if the very things go wrong, will have to 'find another safe haven, that sooner or later with a little' sacrifice, you'll find '. Those who take only really know how to live well '. 'Cause while there are hardships, difficulties and immense hardships on the other hand there is' a dream, more 'beautiful and more' gratifying that we can have ... the dream that every person who knows how to find itself in the energy, knows how to cultivate day after day, night after night: the dream of succeeding. Against the crisis. Only against the banks to take money, instead of 'payable to those who can' be truly fruitful. Against the market, and that when 'head upside down requires you to redouble your efforts for n times without ever stopping. Succeed against many dangers, and those "certain" of their salary can not even understand. They include only those who finally manages to do his business. That day, when they know for sure that I've made, and sees materialize the result of much effort, sweat and even tears. At that time knows that he expressed in 1000%, for the umpteenth time. It seems like a dream, at times like this, I know. Yet it is' a dream come true really, if you have the strength to stand up to that moment arrives. Happy holidays to all and especially to those who are suffering today and sees a very little 'more' out his dream.
Hold on.
A hug.
Hold on.
A hug.
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