From "If the 'imperative' survive 'Antonio Viscardi.
These lines are intended as a thank you to those who in recent years more and more difficult ' many have decided to invest in our products and quality services 'in spite of such a contraction' of the market. At the same time I hope that these results are of great encouragement to our colleagues to continue on this path and not fall into easy tricks to try to sell a product at a lower price despite the quality '.
I am convinced that sooner or later this will end the general period of stagnation 'and some, albeit very slowly, the market will give back' the right space at the product level. That said, the situations that were created in this period of downturn in the market worth of reflections. If for some installer, dealer or manufacturer of wooden flooring and paint, this situation has led to a decline in sales, for others the consequences were much more 'burdensome. In this context, everyone has tried to defend themselves as best they could, or worse, were forced to carry out the tricks to survive. We have seen, and we are witnessing a struggle for survival at all levels of the supply chain: installers, retailers, manufacturers, construction companies.
It 'really disheartening to feel obliged to use an adhesive layer less expensive than the market offers, or be compelled to complain about the provision of flooring for a All discount ... to be able to have a minimum useful at the end of his speech laying.
E 'detrimental to the installer, be forced to use a certain type of flooring just because' is the cheapest, regardless of its quality in any way '.
E 'demoralizing for a company that makes hardwood floor, constantly having to defend a product entirely made in Italy, against an ever made in Italy ... but made in China.
E 'discouraging for a chemicals company, having to leave the way of quality 'to produce products for targeted interventions at the lowest' low.
E 'depressing, for all I believe, find that they build houses only bargaining the contract to the lowest' low, setting aside adequate building standards and rules that govern them (rules that are always the result of months of effort and negotiations).
What has been said so far does not want to be a conviction for anyone, but more than 'just a spur, I would like to bring a bit' all with one thought: when the clouds pass away and will return 's a bit of optimism, when Construction will be back 'in turn will share' from here? From this fight to the bottom? From this cannibalization? I do not think, also because 'if so' no one would take 'advantage. The fund will impoverish more and more 'and what is' worse, the shape becomes opaque layer to be completely obscured.
If the results are still review the rest of our conviction to offer multi-level products but with a constant common quality '.
Better a high level of melamine at a competitive price that parquet a low price but of unknown origin.
When we started this adventure in January 1985 on the office wall hung a quotation from Luigi that Einuadi still free from dust from time to time:
... thousands, millions of people work, produce and save money in spite of all that we can invent to harass, block, discourage them. And 'natural vocation that motivates them, not only the thirst for money. The taste, the pride of seeing your company prosper, gain credit, to inspire trust in customers who are increasingly large, expanding facilities, to improve their workplaces, are a spring of progress as powerful as profit. If not, does not explain how there are entrepreneurs in their business efforts made by all their energies and capital to invest all their profits often portray much lower than those that could safely and easily get other jobs. "
This phrase, so today was written by Luigi Einaudi more than sixty years ago.
Think about it.
Thanks again.
Good Life.
Roberto Campi.