Various' ...
Wooden floors characterize the environment so decided. The floor, like the ports of entry, is the piece of furniture with greater impact. E 'expression of the style of the environment that hosts it, it must meet aesthetic and functional requirements. Various coatings are used for the floors (wood, marble, porcelain, single and double firing). Wood, thanks to its technical characteristics and natural lends itself to be used in multiple environments. Floors are made to last, if the subject of proper maintenance. Of utmost importance is the choice of the essence, depending on the destination environment (public, open to the public, private), and proper installation. For home furnishings, parquet coating is by far the most beautiful. The market offers wood floors higher and higher quality, more and more technically perfect, something has significantly shortened the time of installation. In particular, the already pre-finished floors Evig and varnished, require only the installation. To meet the new trends in style and taste, the wood floors have been enriched with new species, new formats, new installation techniques, new compositions (a straw, to run, to boards, head forward, a ship's deck with its variants). From the technical point of view, the laying of a wooden floor (parquet) can be glued or floating. The flooring must be glued to a flat bottom, with no irregularities, humidity and dust. If necessary, the installation must be preceded by a shave, or must resort to a self-leveling. A fund promotes the well-polished sealing glue. Briefly, when the glue is fully dry (requiring about 14 days), we proceed with the task of sanding with sandpaper of increasingly finer grit. As a last step we proceed with 2-3 coats of paint. The floating can be used for any type of fund. On this last, after the same has been cleaned, is applied to a nylon membrane to protect the floor from moisture. Now is spread over a subfloor that acts as a mattress, carpet type, which ensures an adequate thermal and sound insulation. Then we come to the laying of the parquet with the aid of a rubber hammer and glue necessary for the assembly of the same. With either, use glue, which with the floating between the walls and floors must leave a space of about one centimeter, for the expansion that will undergo the floor due to temperature changes. Speaking of wood floors you can not remember what that rolled in from the aesthetic point of view comes close to the wooden floor, but possesses all the requirements of composite materials, requires no maintenance, can stand the wear and tear, is practical and environmentally friendly.
Glued parquet (bonding)
The most common system for the installation of wood floors and represented by the "glued installation. In this case, the wooden floor is glued to a concrete foundation with appropriate adhesive. The surface must be dry and must not show signs of moisture which would eventually damage the parquet. Why is the "substrate" upon which is laid (glued) wood floor is completely dry you should wait about two to three months. In this case with a triangular notched trowel spread the adhesive creating the "lines" of glue. Determination should be good to spread the amount of glue to prevent the excess glue creates imperfections. The size of the "lines" of glue will obviously depend on the size of the strip and goodness of the plan which is laid on the wooden floor. Along the perimeter of the room must be left a space (joint) about a centimeter, where the baseboard will be arranged to allow the normal delay of wooden flooring. Often for reasons of time and especially the cost is placed directly on the old parquet floor.
Laying nailed (nails)
This system is applicable in particular for parquet solid of sufficient size worked to "male" and "female". This is generally thick planks ranging from 1 cm to 2.2 cm., Width from 6 to 14 cm and a length starting from 40-50 cm to 2 meters arrives. The elements are fitted together and then nailed. If you can not nail some boards at the plant because they can be glued together. As for laying glued along the perimeter of the room (which is installed the baseboard) shall be a space of about an inch to the floor to allow the normal expansion. For each strip is used at least two nails 4 / 5 cm in length. They sell nailed with a hammer or a nail at an angle of 45 degrees. If the planks are nailed to a wooden floor the length of the nails should be adjusted to the thickness of the same, in this last case if the nailing is not sufficient you can meet with a mixed system: gluing and nailing.
Laying of floating parquet (float)
This system is generally used for the plank pre-finished, very large. In this case the application surface is placed a thin layer of acoustic insulation, made on the floor so the planks are laid with parquet, glued the joints with glue perimeter wine. E 'can also laying over existing floors.
About the geometry there the parquet, which is the design resulting from the combination of the various elements (strips, planks), they are numerous. Among the most common ones include: herringbone, a ship's deck (a mold or running), checkerboard, and bindello band, art, mosaic, etc.. After installation (except prefinished parquet strips which are painted directly from manufacturer) needs the floor of the finishing phase, which can be achieved in three ways: paint, wax, oil treatment. The PAINTING It depending on the brightness can be glossy, similucida, opaque. waxing is a finish that best highlights the goodness of wood, an alternative to painting, for almost all types of wood, much more delicate, requiring special care in maintenance. The oil treatment does not create a film on the wood but the impregnating while allowing the same breath. This finish requires more maintenance. comprises a first primer capable of clogging the pores of the hardwood floor, followed by multiple coats of paint which would create a protective film which facilitates - among other things - further maintenance of the floor.
The "maintenance of parquet" is a simple but delicate operation and you have to know the techniques tailored to different types of wood. The flooring made by assembling lists (slats and floor) of wood by nails, glue or just resting on the concrete slab and fitted together, is called runs, from the French parquet. The wooden floor, like all other types of floor maintenance needs. If you want to maintain over time the floor you must try to protect - with specific and appropriate products - surface treatment (paint or wax) the same. With regard to a painted parquet, the normal cleaning does not require special care. With the help of an ordinary broom or vacuum cleaner (using a soft bristle brush) to remove the remains from the floor assiduously such pebbles, crumbs, usually substance that may affect the pavement the sanding of floors . Finally rinse with a soft cloth wrung out, taking care to follow the grain of the wood. In this regard, use water only for specific products or varnished parquet that do not contain alcohol-based substances that could damage the paint film. For the protection of the latter are commercially available products for specific parquet (see section cleaning products) that are typically used diluted in water. When the floor is completely dry should pass a dry cotton cloth, following the grain of the parquet effectively. Also for the cleaning floors finished with wax not required special care. Working for normal cleaning as the floor finish paint, taking care to a regular coat of wax parquet letting it absorb into the wood to form a good protection. As already mentioned, the wood floors finished paint wears out it is the film of varnish. At points of intense pavement signs of wear appear so evident over 10/15 years. In this case, requiring the intervention of personnel. If the paint film is not particularly worn out, just "rub" all over the surface to remove the damaged surface coating, proceeding to write one or two coats of paint. If the floor is ruined is particularly necessary to complete refinishing it, and then give all the necessary hands to paint. The floor can withstand various interventions of the species, given that grinding takes away a layer of only 2 / 3 tenth of a millimeter. Thus, we can certainly say that the parquet floor is quite indestructible, resists wear for many decades. E ', however, necessary to maintain proper surface finish. In the presence of a paint finish, wear p roducts protective resin-based, with a frequency of one to three months depending on the intensity of trampling. In the presence floors of polished and waxed , the carrying out of the liquid wax ucidatura with a weekly / monthly depending on the intensity of trampling. So every day for finished parquet to paint for wax-finished ones are performed by normal cleaning broom or vacuum cleaner, damp wash cloth wrung out in water, no foam and no hot water. Obviously, in extraordinary circumstances will make extraordinary interventions, usually about every decade: the reblading the parquet. This operation is used to completely remove the top layer of parquet . This radical surgery, relative to a solid wood parquet, in the course of several decades of living the same may be repeated five or six times. Following the operation of "filling" made with resin and sawdust, so we have the "sanding", followed by the necessary coats of "paint".